Recruiting Resources

For those of you who are not familiar with our modernized hiring tool, an online video resume is simply a short video pitch. Job seekers may create their video to their liking, and may upload their unique link to a job seeker profile, may include it in an application, or may post on their social media profiles- a great networking tool!

Video Interview Tips
A video resume is a fantastic technological way to show off your personality and soft skills to employers when you are looking for a job. It might sound simple and but it’s not just about getting in front of a camera and talking. Like a written resume a good video resume takes time, preparation and effort.

Create your best Video Resume
The JOBMA platform enables you to craft the best video resumes for free. This is the core component of the JOBMA platform. JOBMA guides and permits the job-seeker to easily create a video resume using any device: desktop, laptop, smart phone, tablet, camera, or a professional video camera.

Our Advantage
There are many advantages a video resume can give you over a traditional resume. First and foremost it gives potential employers a chance you see the real you that is simply not possible in a traditional resume.

Recruiting Resources
>>>>>>> 56813a35e0167ea15607d96f9a8a62f7ac695975Need tips for Video resume?
Find out how you can create video resume effortlessly.
For those of you who are not familiar with our modernized hiring tool, an online video resume is simply a short video pitch. Job seekers may create their video to their liking, and may upload their unique link to a job seeker profile, may include it in an application, or may post on their social media profiles- a great networking tool! The pitch often includes a brief job history overview, a description of a job seeker's professional strengths, and the current objective of the job seeker.
If you need some help getting started on your video resume creation, need tips for video resume or aren't yet convinced of the power of a video resume, then check out the answers to some of these common job seeker questions below:
If I already include all of my relevant job seeker information in my text resume, then why should I create a video resume online?
This is a common misconception about video resumes. Although it might seem like you're being redundant when you make a video resume, their inclusion in your profile or application actually provides a lot of additional information that is not available to the employer through your text resume. For example, video resumes allow employers to assess a job seeker based on their soft skills. Soft skills include strengths such as communication skills, motivation, professionalism, charisma, and confidence. These sorts of skills are not portrayed through a text resume.
Do employers really want to receive video resumes?
Yes! They do. As explained earlier, video resumes allow employers access to your soft skills. It turns out that soft skills are an incredibly important part of being successful in finding a job. Although employers may not always be consciously aware of it, soft skills are just as important as (and sometimes more important than!) hard skills in determining which job candidate is the best fit for a given position. So having direct access to these soft skills via a video resume before an interview is a huge bonus for employers as is having a look at your video resume sample.
For what types of positions is it appropriate to create a video resume?
It is appropriate to create it for any job you are applying for. Every job requires some amount of soft skills in order to be successful. And because it allows you to flaunt your soft skills before the interview, creating a video resume will help you succeed in landing any position. It is helpful for sales representatives that want to show off their charming personality, school teachers that need to portray their approachable nature, and any job in between. So go ahead and create video resume online.
How much money does it cost to create a video resume?
Many video resume websites allow job seekers to create video resumes right on their website for free. If you're considering utilizing one of these sites, then be sure to check out the various options, as these sites all differ in the services that they can offer to job seekers and their fees. If you create it independent of one of these websites, then you should not have to buy anything in order to create it, assuming that you already have a video recording device and professional clothes to wear.
Where should I create my video resume?
Before you make a video resume, take some time to think through the best location to do so. An unprofessional and distracting background can cause an otherwise great video profile to become unimpressive. You'll want a location that has a clean, neat, tidy, and professional-looking background. You'll also want to create your video pitch in a space that will facilitate good lighting and sound qualities in your video. It is probably best to not make your video pitch in a coffee shop, your bedroom, or in a noisy, public place. If accessible, try finding a conference room or finding a space within your office.
What should I wear when I make my video resume?
It is typically recommended that you wear the type of clothes you would wear to an interview. In order to really stand out, consider wearing a professional business suit. Your video pitch will play a big role in creating an employer's first impression of you, so you'll want to make sure that you portray yourself as a professional!
Are video resumes only for attractive people?
This is just nonsense. Assuming that you get called in for an interview, employers are going to find out what you look like eventually. So by not creating video curriculum vitae, you are not getting around the issue of employers seeing you. Making a video resume (assuming that it is a good quality video) can only help increase your chances of landing the position. After all, it takes confidence to create it, and confidence is a soft skill that most employers actively seek out in job candidates.
Do you have any other tips for me before I create a video resume?
Finding a job you is a tough task; primarily because of competition in the market. However, there are a number of ways available to help you stand out from other job seekers when trying to lock down that nine to five that is why you should make a video resume. Utilizing video resume is another way of selling yourself or pitching your profile to potential employers. To make it possible for every job-seeker we at JOBMA have listed some useful video resume tips, that will land you the job you desire.
So I've created my video resume. Now what?
So you have followed our video resume tips and created a video resume using any online video resume builder, the possibilities are endless for sharing it. You can post it on your social media profiles, provide employers with access to it when you submit your application, share it with your friends and family, or use it to create a video resume-supported job seeker profile. Most video resume platforms will let you do it from their video resume app itself. Broadcasting your video profile is perhaps the most important step in this process. After all, if nobody can view your video resume, it will not be possible to impress people with it!
Video Resume as a new marketing tool!
Video resume is emerging as a new self-marketing tool in the HR industry. It is one of the most cost efficient tools of self-marketing in the Job-Industry. A video resume would be a wonderful idea to start with, to get noticed in the industry. It gives you noticeable reviews of your performance that let you groom with the time. Stepping into the job-industry with an impressive video resume simply opens out the door for several job-opportunities in a single instance. There are several benefits that can be reaped through presenting a video resume.
Nevertheless, it is very much favorable tool for some specific industries where the power of words is given higher priority over any other attribute of a person. The potential business sectors that hires majorly through video resume are hospitality, fashion, aviation, entertainment, marketing and some other similar kinds of industries. Here, we highlight those key attributes of the video resume that will possibly help you to know how you can make use of it and shape your career.
- It gives a candidate to show out their personality.
- It lets the candidate speak out for themselves.
- It lets the candidate show out their skills, experience, creativity and potential, to stand out the pack.
- It connects the candidate with the employer in much advance.
- It helps the candidate to learn and groom with the upcoming requirements of the industry.
- It gets the candidate comfortable with the technological advancements.
- It's a cost, time and effort efficient way of presenting your candidature.
- It can get your profile noticed easily on the web.
- It can easily get shared & viewed on the social media platforms.
The easy way to create a video resume is its first plus point that makes it popular among all.
Note: Competitive business industry always seeks out some original and artistic ways that can prove your exceptional contention. Video resume has promised and shown-up as the most efficient self-marketing tool of the HR industry. It's positively helping out the job-seekers to get their desirable jobs. So, straight use out the technology and shape-up your career graph, now.
Want some worthy resources ? learn more through the given ones:
Find out how you can create video resume effortlessly
Tips for acing your video interview
A video resume is a fantastic technological way to show off your personality and soft skills to employers when you are looking for a job. It might sound simple and but it’s not just about getting in front of a camera and talking. Like a written resume a good video resume takes time, preparation and effort. If you have never made a video resume before here are some tips to get you started.
Remember to be prepared. Create a list of important points you want to mention in the video resume. You don’t want to make a complete draft of everything you plan on saying (in fact that’s something you want to avoid because it will make you sound scripted) but it’s a good idea to have a list of points you want to highlight and then talk about them in the video.
Make sure you are dressed for the job you are looking to apply for. A video resume is a lot like a meeting with the recruiter. That is why you want to appear professional and dressing that way is a good way to do that. If you are in doubt on what to wear then imagine that the video camera is the person taking your interview.
If this is your first time making a video resume then understand that it will take a few tries. So don’t be shy about re-recording. It’s always a good idea to watch what you recorded and don’t worry if you don’t get it right it in the first try. It’s also a good idea to get feedback from a fresh set of eyes so you can always ask a friend or a relative to take a look and give you feedback.
Make sure when you re-watch your recording that you are keeping an eye out for technical issues. The best video resumes can be utterly ruined technical problems. So make sure the video is framed properly and the audio is clear and free of any distortions. Try to stay stationary while you are recording and that should make things easier.
You don’t want to bore your audience so make sure you keep your video resume short and to the point. Somewhere about 2 minutes is a good length to aim for, anything longer than that and it’s easy to lose the attention of your audience. Make up and an end goal for your video resume and then avoid talking about things that don’t help you with that goal.
And lastly, I would always recommend that you keep your body language in mind. Slouching or slumping often conveys casualness and it doesn’t make for a very good first impression. If you are unsure what to do then sitting in a chair behind a desk is usually the best way to go about things. And when you are done, play back your recording and make sure it looks and sounds professional.
How to Create the Best Video Resume
Want to learn how to create a great video resume? Find out how the Best Video Resumes are made.
The JOBMA platform enables you to craft the best video resumes for free. This is the core component of the JOBMA platform. JOBMA guides and permits the job-seeker to easily create a video resume using any device: desktop, laptop, smart phone, tablet, camera, or a professional video camera.
Points to keep in mind while creating a video resumes:
Brand or position yourself according to how you want Employers to view who you are. A well presented Video Resume makes a huge difference.
1. Appearance
Dress for the job! Dress the way you would for an interview. A video resume puts you in control of your first impression with Employers, and what you wear affects this. Appearance is the first thing Employers notice before your video pitch even begins. Appearance needs to be positive & professional.
2. Language
Speak clearly and concisely. Make sure your video pitch is free of slang or unnecessary complex language. Use your best video resume as an opportunity to show Employers you can speak comfortably and have a firm grasp on verbal communication. Words need to be clear, simple and optimistic.
3. Background
Be aware of where you record your best video resume. A messy room, or a cluttered table create an unprofessional picture for Employers. Wherever you choose to record your video pitch, make sure the area is well lit and it looks clean leading to a positive first impression.
4. Character
A video resume is an opportunity to tell your story. Show your personality and character in your video pitch. Make sure to sound excited about the job opportunity. Smile and convey the right words through your video resume. Employers don't want to listen to someone reading off of a script in a monotone voice. Show Employers how different, resourceful, artistic and that you are the best choice for the job.
5. Sound
Sound is very important for your video resume. You want to be heard and understood. Be aware of your surroundings and what background noises could affect your presentation. Avoid music or other sounds such as a TV playing in the background. These will not only distract you, but also the Employer when viewing your video resume.
Last but not least, watch out for the results by using the right device to capture and upload video resume on the video resume website; get a life changing job for your career.
Want some worthy resources ? learn more through the given ones:
Our Advantage
Learn about the advantages of a video resume. Find out how you can get the edge over the competition in the fast paced online job market.
Utilize the free Videoing Tool, Now!
There are many advantages a video resume can give you over a traditional resume. First and foremost it gives potential employers a chance you see the real you that is simply not possible in a traditional resume. It’s also a great chance to show off your soft skills, something else you cannot do in written form. You can also show off your strengths such as communication skills, professionalism and confidence.
And in today’s fast paced digital job market you need every advantage you can get over your competition. So you have to make sure you stay ahead of the competition and keep up to date with the latest innovations in technology. Video resume is the latest way to reach employers. A written resume was how you introduced yourself to employers. But that’s no longer the case with Video resumes becoming popular.
Think of your video resume like an introduction in person to the recruitment team of an organization. They get to see you and gauge your soft skills and communication skills better than they could in a written resume. Your video resume is a great way to make a lasting first impression on your potential employer. A well recorded video resume can tell employers employee you will be and the strengths you will bring to the position you are applying for.
That is why it’s generally a good idea to talk about the reasons why an employer should hire you in your video resume. Since your video resume combines your introduction and a sales pitch into one, make sure you introduce yourself, talk about your qualifications and let them know why you would be a good fit for the position in question. It is very important though that you try to avoid reading off a script, just speak as if you were talking to another person. Think of the camera as the person that is interviewing you, that should help you sound natural.
It is also a good idea to try to keep the video short and to the point. A good video resume should hit the 60-120 seconds mark. Because if you go on for any longer, you might lose the attention of the person watching. And if it is any shorter and you might not say everything you mean to. Before you record, make sure you have an end goal for your video resume. Then avoid talking about things that don’t aid that goal.
After you are done you will see that a video resume will give you a significant advantage over someone who is just using a traditional resume. Also make sure you get it into the right hands. So make sure that you share it over social media, integrate it into your traditional resume via a link and promote your resume to employers.
Online Resume Builder Tool!
Jobma introduces an online tool for building resumes; similar to a professional resume writing service, and named our Online Resume Builder. This tool helps you to create a perfect resume without the trouble or constraints found with predefined sets and formats. Within a span of few minutes, it guides you from start to finish. Guiding you more through a set of questions and answers in detail, starting with its basic concept, implementation and need.
What is an online Resume Builder?
Online Resume builder provides a wide array of choice to the job-seeker, where they can choose out of several professional resume templates. You just need to fill the info in those predefined templates. Get all the information entered into its several tabs, from the basic information to other mandatory fields like contact info, education, certifications and work experience.
This resume creator will get all your necessary information extracted and displayed in an extensive manner. Now, one can download the final draft of resume in the PDF format, which can be published over the JOBMA profile as well, else get it downloaded or publish its link over some other interface to boost the career graph.
Precisely, it's an amazing utility that will assist you to produce a most efficient resume!
What's the need of a Resume?
A resume is meant to represent your vision towards your career and goal accomplishments. It's an application that exhibits your professional qualification, work experience and your career interests. Typically, your resume represents you in front of prospective Employer. Moreover, to get noticed and to land the right job, you sincerely need an impressive resume to stand out from the crowd.
How can a good resume help you in getting right job?
With the amazing utility of JOBMA i.e. resume builder online. It has proved as an added advantage for its job-seekers. It's a text-based Resume creator that sounds similar to professional Resume building or resume writing services, which is been provided as a free. With a good resume, your chance of getting short-listed becomes higher and it simply offers you to get the most-desirable jobs of your career.
If you follow the actual hierarchy, then it will assist you to get a step closer to your goal of being paid for the right job. Most importantly, the utmost objective of a good resume is to make you stand apart from rest of the candidates.
What's so special about Resume Builder Online?
Resume builder online simply follows a hierarchy that leads to the generation of an effective Resume. Getting started with a selection of a template, next is choosing the fields for editing, thirdly get the information feed into it. You can edit, format and coordinate that information as per the relevance. Next in the row is to update the latest information. Lastly, publish it over the JOBMA profile where it can be seen globally. Otherwise you can get your Resume downloaded as well in the PDF format. This PDF formatted resume can be used further in the next level of job-search and job-apply.
To create an excellent resume as per your job profile, click here (Sign Up)
Download Ebook- The 21st Century Job Search
If you've ever had a conversation with your parents about their early days of job searching then you know some of the stark contrasts between the job search of 10-20 years ago and today's job search.
The 21st Century Job Search
Job Search Tips for Locking Down that Nine to Five
If you've ever had a conversation with your parents about their early days of job searching then you know some of the stark contrasts between the job search of 10-20 years ago and today's job search. Finding a job has changed radically in the 21st Century. It requires more than simply picking up a newspaper and browsing through the classified ads.
In the digital age, finding employment means using the latest technological tools available for job seek-ers. Given this change in the professional world, job seekers need to be aware of and stay on top of the current trends and, then, adapt accordingly to opti-mize their chances of job search success.
This eBook takes a look at the modern job search and provides tips on locking down that nine to five in the digital age.
FORM: The 21st Century Job Search. Download the EBOOK.
Get the EBOOK
Mobile Convenience
A video resume app can be a fantastic addition to your toolset when you are looking for a job in today’s digital market. And that is why we at Jobma came up with the Mobile app so that you can find jobs, take part in video interviews and create video resumes even when you are on the go.
To Get Hired, Get an easy Job Assistance App!
A video resume app can be a fantastic addition to your toolset when you are looking for a job in today’s digital market. And that is why we at Jobma came up with the Mobile app so that you can find jobs, take part in video interviews and create video resumes even when you are on the go. The app is free to use for any job seeker that signs up with Jobma and is available right now on the iOS and Android app store.
Want to learn more? Read on.
The Jobma app lets you record your video resume from the mobile device itself. Most mobile phones today have a camera inbuilt and using that to record your video resume is the most convenient and easy way to do that. Of course you can edit and change your video recording from the mobile device itself.
Our App also connects with your social media accounts. After all once you are done recording the video resume you should be able to share it on your social media profiles and we give you the platform to do just that. So of course it integrates into Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook etc. So you can share directly from the app itself.
And it is absolutely available on the platform of your choice. Most people today use Android or iOS and we made sure it works great across both those platforms. So create your account, set up your video resume and start sharing right away.
Unlimited Sharing
Jobma.com is an online job portal dedicated to Video Resumes, though this job portal also does a great job to facilitate its job applicants in getting noticed globally. Here, you receive a public profile, and its link can be shared to recruiters, job seekers, and employers to view your current professional status.
Enjoy the Unlimited Video Resume Sharing!
Jobma.com is an online job portal dedicated to Video Resumes, though this job portal also does a great job to facilitate its job applicants in getting noticed globally. Here, you receive a public profile, and its link can be shared to recruiters, job seekers, and employers to view your current professional status.
With the text based resume, your Video Resume will get embedded over the profile that can be conveniently shared over the multiple Social Media channels, Job portals and many more other platforms, where you get much more exposure for your career growth. The unlimited sharing bestows the job seekers & applicants to get incredible opportunities to boost their respective career.
Lime-lighting the Job seekers by allowing them to use the various social media networks by broadcasting the links over it. In order to get benefited via LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Facebook and YouTube; Share the link of your profile with right connections, get your skills updated, be active in the upcoming discussions and finally get noticed with the great assistance Jobma.
By using unlimited sharing via Jobma.com, Job seekers enjoy the limitless opportunities of sharing their Video Resumes, which creates a stronger online presence of an applicant. So, reshape your career by sharing the video resume to the unlimited social & professional channels, worldwide.
Great Support
We at Jobma pride ourselves on the support we provide to our customers. Whether you are a job seekers using Jobma to find that dream job or you are an employer using Jobma to find the best talent in the industry, rest assured our support staff is always available to help.
Get an Incredible Job Assistance!
We at Jobma pride ourselves on the support we provide to our customers. Whether you are a job seekers using Jobma to find that dream job or you are an employer using Jobma to find the best talent in the industry, rest assured our support staff is always available to help. If you have any questions, we recommend you check out our resources page or the FAQ page. Didn’t find what you were looking for? Contact us
We will do our best to take care of any issues you run into. So call or email us and let us do the rest.
Want to meet the team behind the articles? Say hi to our contributors, a diverse group of people with years of experience in the industry.

Abhisheik Dahiya
Abhisheik Dahiya is a Customer experience analyst with almost a decade of experience in the industry. He has been a part of the Jobma team for over three years and regularly writes about the leading trends in the recruitment industry. He loves technology and the impact it has on our day to day life. His other passion is photography which he pursues whenever he gets a chance.

Sonali Patnaik
Sonali Patnaik is currently the head of Human resources at Select Source International. She has been part of the hiring team for nearly a decade and is a regular contributor to the Jobma Blog. Her experience as a member of the Hiring team lends her a unique perspective which is often visible in her writing. In her free time she like reading and is a big fan of The Rolling Stones.

Surender Singh
Surender Singh is a Team lead at Geekshore. Like the name of his company, Surender is a geek at heart and loves all things technical. His outlook as a team leader provides unique insights into the hiring process, insights that he often shares through his writings. Massive football fan, Surender never misses an opportunity to watch Arsenal play.

Vijay Mohan
Vijay Mohan is a Team lead at SSI. He has been a part of the staffing and recruitment industry for nearly a decade now. His keen insight into the hiring process combined with his experience makes him an invaluable resource when it comes to understanding the recruitment process. He loves classical music and is currently learning to the play the Piano.
Videos- About JOBMA/Testimonies
Jobma offers Employers to publish company culture videos as a way to broadcast what the company does as a whole. Encouraging job seekers to apply and have an experience of being a part of their organizational tree.
Jobma offers Employers to publish company culture videos as a way to broadcast what the company does as a whole. Encouraging job seekers to apply and have an experience of being a part of their organizational tree.
Jobma Introduction
Why Jobma
Jobma for Jobseekers
Jobma for Employers
How JOBMA Work's
Combining traditional resumes with carefully crafted video pitches and social media integration, Jobma connects Job Seekers and Employers in a way not possible through other job search sites. Job seekers have the unique ability to create video resumes that help employers to have an opportunity to "meet" their candidates before bringing them in for an interview- a huge step up for the job seeker!
How Jobma work's

Signing up on Jobma is free, fast and secure. All you need to do is fill up a few fields and you are good to go. You can even sign up using your Linkedin, Google or Facebook account. Signing up also lets you set up your profile and create a video resume.

Record Video
Signing up on Jobma is free, fast and secure. All you need to do is fill up a few fields and you are good to go. You can even sign up using your Linkedin, Google or Facebook account. Signing up also lets you set up your profile and create a video resume.

Complete your profile
After you sign up on Jobma you have the option of providing additional details that let employers find out more about you. You can add qualifications, skill sets, job preferences, add social media accounts etc. You can also create and upload your video resume.

Video Interview
Jobma brings the convenience of video interview to you so you can save on time and travel costs. You can schedule and take part in live video interviews. You can also apply for jobs using video responses to position specific questions.

We at Jobma believe in making the job search process faster and more convenient than ever before. We will notify you and keep you updated on any jobs you apply for and ensure that you never miss out on important notifications like selection or interview schedules.